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                Prices starting At

$ 75

State Upload Assistance Available by Package

  • Visit an Oklahoma Board Certified Physician online
  • Schedule a time convenient for you
  • Use your smartphone or PC to visit
  • The Easiest  way to get your medical Card
  • 100% Discreet

Our goal is to make the experience of getting a Medical Marijuana Card as easy as possible.

Oklahoma Qualifications for a Medical Marijuana Card:

  • You must be a resident of the State of Oklahoma or have an out-of-state marijuana license.
  • Common diagnoses recognized in other states include but not limited to Anxiety, Chronic Pain, and Insomnia.
  • It is up to the doctor for what diagnosis he/she feels qualifies a patient.

There are two costs when getting your Medical Card. The physician fee is the first one, that is what we do here, we fill out your physical form.

Prices start at $75 for doctor visit only and $100 for the doctor visit and help uploading to the state.

The second cost is the state fee for your license. If you have Medicare, Medicaid or Soonercare it is $22.50, if you don´t it is $104.50.

Discount for Disabled Veterans when you book a double appointment.


How to get an Oklahoma Medical Card

  1. Book an Online Appointment Now. Then register at with a valid email address you can access.
  2. Verify your email and start a new application on OMMA´s website, All applicants must be done online here.
  3. Start new application entering your information from your driver´s license or state ID. It must match what is on your form or identification or you will be denied. There is a place to change your mailing address in the process.
  4. Make sure you verify address any place it shows up on the application.
  5. When you get to physician information DO NOT PUT YOUR PHYSICIAN!, Put the physician´s information as it shows on the OMMA physical. (Like physical than can be obtained here)
  6. You must submit pictures of front and back of driver´s license or state ID.
  7. Your picture must be with a white background. Recent changes with OMMA now allow smiling but not teeth,
  8. If you have Medicare or Medicaid you will need to submit pictures of it as well.
  9. Once everything is entered there is a page to review everything, make sure all green marks and recheck your picture.
  10. Now you will enter your payment for the state and will get an email confirming submission. Now just wait for the email. OMMA has up to 14 days to send it to you. It will come in an unmarked white envelope and looks like junk mail so don´t throw away your junk mail till you receive your card.



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