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Sober living house Wikipedia

It can also help individuals hone their coping skills, learn how to communicate effectively, and trust themselves. In general, sober living homes are privately owned homes for people recovering from drug or alcohol addiction. Houses are usually located in quiet, peaceful neighborhoods, where members can destress and focus on their growth and recovery journeys. Some chart an up-front fee, others charge a deposit, and some don’t charge anything up front. In Worcester, Massachusetts, our homes range from $140-$180 per week. Rent usually covers all living expenses besides food and entertainment.

Sober living homes in Los Angeles are not just a way to get sober, but a means to maximize success in life in the challenging years to come. For many people in recovery, sober living homes offer a much-needed sense of community and support. They provide a safe and structured environment that can help residents stay sober and rebuild their lives after addiction.

Operator Accountability

Join our newsletter to be part of a community of people with shared experiences. This is a great asset to those struggling with their own personal battles. Our quarterly newsletter reminds you that others have gone down how does sober living work this path and can provide valuable support. No matter where on your journey – considering sobriety, living sober for years or months already – our newsletter is here as a guide with helpful resources, events, and more.

  • Attending treatment for a short period of time is also rarely sufficient to repair the damage wrought by addiction.
  • Residents in a sober living house should understand and agree to all house rules when they move in.
  • Our activities and amenities create an atmosphere that promotes healing in the spiritual and physical sense.
  • A study for the state of Illinois found that residents of sober living homes were considerably less likely to engage in criminal behavior than the average Illinois resident.

Inpatient rehabs offer intensive daily counseling, groups, exercises, and more. Every moment of rehab patient’s day is regimented, including free time, meals, and bedtime. This regimented schedule is crucial to helping people in early recovery learn how to live sober, creating positive, healthy habits like living responsibly, keeping to a schedule, and being accountable. If inpatient rehab is where people in recovery learn healthy habits, sober livings are where they get to implement those habits into their daily lives. People usually go to sober living residences after they have done drug or alcohol addiction treatment, and their treatment provider may give them a referral for one.

What are standard sober house rules?

Residents are often required to take drug tests and demonstrate efforts toward long-term recovery. Sober livings, on the other hand, are voluntary residences that offer the safety and security of a substance-free living environment for men and women in recovery from addiction. Some are on the campus where drug and alcohol addiction treatment is provided, and others are independent homes, apartments or condos. The number of residents depends on the size of the home or licensed beds in a facility. In most sober-living environments, bedrooms are shared, but some do provide individual rooms. Typically, there are rules about shared living spaces and individual room maintenance and chores, visitor hours, meal times, curfews and Twelve Step meeting requirements.

Most likely, insurance will not cover this type of housing, because it is not considered a mental health treatment center. Since sober living homes are often financially independent, they usually do not accept insurance. Residents’ insurance may, however, help cover addiction treatments – like therapy. Or, perhaps you have been through rehab before and relapsed shortly after returning home because your family members continued to use alcohol or drugs around you.

Choose Sobriety

In her clinical work, she specializes in treating people of color experiencing anxiety, depression, and trauma through depth therapy and EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) trauma therapy. 12 Steps programs tend to be the most common support group in sober living. Sober living home residents usually have to attend a peer support group.

While rules may vary, we’re going to discuss the general guidelines most homes require. To succeed in your recovery, it’s important that you abide by them. Residents may remain in a sober living home for as long as they want – if they continue following the house rules.


A sober house offers safety and security at a critical time in your life. Because a sober house has rules and regulations, residents can develop a sense of responsibility and accountability to themselves and their roommates. On the road to stability, residents of a sober house will also learn how to manage money, new coping skills, how to find work, and how to secure education options. Lastly, self-efficacy is a benefit of sober living that many people who are actively drinking or using do not have. This integral belief allows you to have the confidence of having the necessary resources and knowledge to function successfully without the need of drugs and alcohol.

Do I have to stay sober forever?

Sobriety means different things to different people. Because of this, there are many correct answers to this question. For some, staying sober forever is the only way to avoid relapsing. For others, sobriety can be flexible, and they can enjoy the occasional drink with friends or family.